In order to meet the latest Ministry of Education facility requirements the net built usable area of St. Anthony’s Primary School was increased to approximately 9000 sq.m, an increase of sum 53% from the existing facilities provision. This was achieved by the construction of two new 4-Storey blocks and the phased re-configuration and extension of the existing buildings, which were largely, retained which enabled the school to remain in full safe operation for the entire period of the up grading works.
In addition to the aforementioned basic functional objectives the design was concerned with the following –
Simplification of confusing and inefficient circulation patterns by provision of a visually expressive central axis and reconfiguration of existing routes to link visually distinct spaces both new and existing and re-route circulation from Acoustically sensitive areas. By this means, a journey of visual contrasts of form, texture, scale and space is achieved when combined with the new and re-modeled buildings and spaces, which provide a more stimulating environment befitting the intent of a primary school.
Project Data
Cost: S$14,000,000
Land Area: 12,060 m2
GFA: 15,835 m2
Completion: 2005