AWP were commissioned to design a total of 8 Nos. Show units varying in size from 77 -97 sqm for a prestigious development site in central Chongqing. The first two of these show units are now under construction and due for completion in August 2021
AWP’s design approach was to create large open plan living / dining / kitchen spaces and define the the various activity areas through raising the floor or lowering the ceiling. This is achievable because of the enhanced 3.9m floor to ceiling height within the space. The areas created by these changes in level then become concealed storage spaces, either beneath the raised floor or within the ceiling void
Within certain bedrooms, or above study areas, this increased volume allows for the creation of sleeping mezzanine, as either guest accommodation or as additional functional space for the occupants
AWP just completed a Data Centre in Huizhou, China. We were awarded the specialist Architecture consultancy and full Interior design scopes by one of our long-standing supportive client. Initial design commenced just before covid happened and we managed to complete the entire build process throughout the pandemic. That’s a true testament to the commitment, teamwork and collaborative nature between all the consultants and our client. The team managed to retain the original design intent throughout the entire construction process producing the envisaged result. The completed building shall continue to play a pivotal role in fulfilling the client’s investment and operational agenda.
This is another completed regional DC in our firm’s growing Industrial Science and Technology portfolio! Well done to the entire team & not forgetting our ever-supportive client!
AWP is proud to have assisted Keppel Data Centres and Salim Group as both Architectural and Interior Design Consultants for the IndoKeppel Data Centre in Indonesia.
AWP’s Interior Design Concept is based on the theme of ‘Space and Technology. The 1900 sqm space over 2 levels comprises a double height reception lobby over which is suspended a marketing pod/discussion room, conference room, meeting rooms, open plan office, Network Operations Centre (NOC), a viewing gallery overlooking the Technical Space and staff breakout spaces including toilets, prayer rooms and ablutions facilities. The overriding colour palette is a contrast between dark and light, with an aqua-marine LED light strip used as a continuous feature. The carpets are linear in design whilst walls are clad in dark grey or white laminate, or a concrete grey textured coating. The offices, meeting rooms and NOC have a distinctly ‘high tech’ theme, with expressed use of linear lighting, ‘celebrated’ monitors and screens and a ‘spaceship-like interior concept, whilst metallic screens in the toilets and prayer rooms take cues from the local culture.