Modao Island is a 900,000sqm residential and marina development in Zhongshan, PRC consisting of high rise apartments and villas of 350sqm, 500sqm and 900sqm, and centred around a 50,000sqm commercial complex and marina
All 300 villas have private yacht berths and extensive water frontages, located along ‘private waterways’ linked to the marina via lock gates, whilst the 6000 apartments are located in both medium and high rise blocks, carefully masterplanned so as to maximise views and privacy whilst minimising overlooking and daylight shading
The architectural design is ‘contemporary nautical’ incorporating sleek lines and bold architectural gestures. Significant glazed elements, coupled with use of aluminim give and extremely modern aesthetic, softened with features in stone and timber to give a tropical feel
Project Data
Cost: S$720,000,000
Land Area: 858,800 m2
GFA: 900,000 m2
Completion: Under Construction